Friday, December 07, 2007

Finals are upon me.....

The last few weeks have been filled with work, work, work. Finishing up final projects. Now it's time to study for the 3 finals (tests) I have next week, and then this semester will be over. It has been a tough semester but I am so proud of myself for finishing and doing well. (so far) Final grades will probably be posted after Christmas. Or right before. Whatever grade I get, I'm glad I worked hard and know that I did a my beest, no matter what the grade. It is so satisfying.

My school choir has sung in three different concerts this last week and that was a lot of fun! But, as you can imagine, I'm plain worn out.

I had to write an original compostition for my theory class, and I wrote "Christmas Lullaby" I am so happy with it. I thought I would share the words:

Once upon a time, long ago,
A star shone bright, an angel glowed.
Telling the shepherds upon the hill,
A child was born, to save the world.

Fair little Jesus, Child of God.
Laid in a manger, swaddled in cloth.
Wrapped in the arms of his mother so dear,
Tiny baby,

My pmdd battle still rages on, but I have found in the last couple of months with my acceptance of my limitations, that I have found a new freedom. Freedom to rest when I need to and not feel guilty. Freedom to ask for time out. Freedom to accept the Lord's will for me. Freedom to do the best I can and know that I'm am still a good person.

The Savior wants me to "Come unto Him" and I will find peace. Any lesson that helps me gain peace is a lesson I want in my life!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love your "Christmas Lullaby" Leah! What a wonderful job :)