Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I dreamed a dream...

I had a dream last night in which I was going to teach a short lesson at a preschool and be graded on it. As I got there, there were other students doing the same thing. As my turn came up, they all of the sudden decided they needed lunch and I could do my thing after. Throughout the whole dream I was waiting for my turn and never got it.

Now, this would not be signigicant if I wasn't trying to figure out what to do with my schooling and my future. It has been on my mind a lot lately.

Let's rewind about 25 yrs. All I ever wanted to do was be a teacher. Either Preschool or Elementary Education. I love teacing! Easy.

When I was preparing to go back to school last Spring I was ready to start in Elementary Ed., with an emphasis in Early Childhood. Except, I couldn't get my schedule going. Nothing seemed right. I was not at peace. Stupor of thought. I was so frustrated. Then, one Sunday morning, as I was fasting, my stupor of thought left me. I was listening to some church music and feeling way overwhelmed at the prospect of even going to school, and it hit me. Like a ton of bricks. I needed to major in music. Why? I don't know! I still don't know! All I do know is that what I am doing right now is right! Peace, no stupor, no frustration. Everything is flowing.

So, back to the dream. Is this just another reminder that I am doing the right thing for right now? That teaching school will not be my destiny? I still have the thought every now and then to finish my associates in Music and then go into Elementary Ed. But I can't find any peace in that thought. At least not right now.

I have always been a preparer. And, I like knowing the outcome. In this case, I am being humbled into trusting in the Lord's will. Doing what he asks of me and trusting that I will be lead to do the right thing. All I have really ever wanted to do is to serve the Lord and his people, and build up his kindgom here on earth.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

I think you would be a great teacher in any capacity! You'll know when you figure it out, you'll feel at peace with it all. Hugs